Urb Sub Sponsors 1 Million Pibble March

Urb Sub Sponsors 1 Million Pibble March

25th Feb 2014

We are THRILLED to be able to become a sponsor for this monumental event! 

By Rebecca Corry

via www.standupforpits.us

"Now, more than ever before, broken young people all over this country are committing sociopathic acts against innocent voiceless beings. Time and time again, studies have shown that people who commit violent acts against animals will likely and most often times do, go onto commit violent acts against humanity. The breed being victimized by this abuse more than any other breed on earth, are Pit Bull Terriers. Dogs that are loyal, loving, gentle and smart being forced to fight till the death. The average age of dog fighters are 13-21 years old. Questions to consider; What happened to them?’ Why are they so broken? How do we help? To “ban” a breed is not a solution but rather an ineffective way to try and fix what is an obvious reflection of a broken society.

The epidemic that is happening in our own backyards can no longer be ignored. Whether you like Pit Bull Terriers or dogs at all, as a member of society this is all of our problem. Through education and effective solutions we can fix this social pandemic and provide a safe society for future generations of humans and animals alike. It is time legislators recognize that discrimination enshrined in law is wrong, factually ineffective and will no longer be tolerated."

Find out more information about the Stand Up For Pits Foundation or the march itself at www.standupforpits.us